Friday, January 17, 2014

Healthy Cleaning

Recently on LinkedIn, under the group Business Services, I started a discussion. "Do you think being in the cleaning business has affected your health, especially your respiratory system?" I got 26 comments. Most people said yes, and most included their respiratory systems. I spent over 30 years in the commercial cleaning business, and I now have COPD. Back in my early days of cleaning, there were no "green" cleaning products. The harsher the chemical, the better it cleaned! I used lots of bleach, and ammonia. NEVER mixed together, but they were both used a lot. Sure they did a good job, but years later I began to pay the price with my health! Several, or should I say most of the cleaning products out there today have insecticides in them, even those cute little "scrubbing bubbles"! Luckily, today there are also several green cleaning products available. USE the green products, and wear a mask as much as possible when cleaning!! Trust me, 30 years from now your lungs will thank you!!